Monday, December 1, 2008

The best woman ever!!!

For Thanksgiving weekend Rachelle invited me to spend the time with her and her family in Las Vegas. I was excited to spend all that extra time with Rachelle plus I got to meet the rest of her family. I started to get sick a few days before the trip, but things looked as if they would get better. When we headed down on Wednesday I started to get worse. As the weekend progressed my condition deteriorated to the point to where we had to leave early Sunday morning to get me back in Utah to see a doctor that accepts my insurance. The whole weekend Rachelle stayed by my side helping me as much as she could.
After a very long trip we finally arrived in Salt Lake and got to the doctor. I was being worked on for about an hour with Rachelle waiting in the waiting room for me the whole time. I learned that I had Bronchitis. When I got home, before I could even take my medicine, my condition got so bad that I could barely stand and I was having the worst Asthma attack of my life. Rachelle stayed and helped me through it. She then helped me get some food down and then helped make me comfortable until the meds kicked in.
I've realized just how lucky I am to have Rachelle in my life. I don't know what I would have done without her last night and I don't know what I would do without her for the rest of eternity. This weekend has helped me love her even more and I know even more now than before (which was still quite a bit) that Rachelle is going to be an amazing mother to our children. I love you so much! Thanks for all you do for me!!!


A Date with Pinterest said...

Awwww.... Tender moment!!! :)
Hope you feel better Chris!!

Ashley said...

How sweet of you Chris to write that about Rachelle. Hope you get feeling better soon!

Ronna and Robyn said...

I hope you getting feeling better. I know you how you feel. I had it a couple of weeks ago, and I am still feeling it. I am glad that Rachelle was there to help you through it.


Kellie said...

I am so glad that you are feeling better. I am also very happy that you have Rachelle in your life. She is an amazing woman and if she can put up with you sick - she can do anything :) Just kidding. Love you guys!

Grandma said...

How blessed you are to have a good woman. Hope you are feeling better. I am so happy for the two of you and the wonderful relationship you are building. Grandma

Julie said...

I am so excited for you guys! You're so cute! Wish I could come to the wedding =(.

p.s. I don't know you Chris, but I hope you feel better!